


Ehsan Elahi导师简介

作者:融媒体中心 发布时:2024-03-05   打印

姓名:Ehsan Elahi

PhD, Professor, Supervisor

主要研究方向:Rural development; Applied Economics; Rural revitalization; Environmental emissions; Carbon emissions; Land use policies; Energy; Pollution; Advanced agricultural practices; Precision agriculture; Agricultural productivity; Digital Economy; Credit


2008-2010, Earned Master in Environmental & Resource Economics, University of Agricultural Faisalabad (UAF), Pakistan.

2013-2017, Earned PhD in Agricultural Economics and Management, China Agricultural University (CAU), Peoples’ Republic of China.


Research articles:

EHSAN ELAHI has published 130 research articles in SSCI/SCI peer-reviewed journals such as Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Policy, Technovation, Journal of Environmental Management, Land Use Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Ecological Indicators.


Dr. Elahi has led multiple research projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Jiangsu Province, serving as the project leader. In addition, he has contributed as a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) in various scientific endeavors. Dr. Elahi offers consultancy services to projects financed by the World Bank (WB) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Presently, he is overseeing a project funded by the Taishan Scholar Foundation in Shandong Province in his capacity as project leader.

根据美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福斯坦福大学的研究人员于2022 9 1 日收集的数据,Ehsan Elahi 在环境科学领域跻身世界前 2% 的科学家之列。2023104日公布的数据可在 https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6

Titles and Award:

In 2021, EHSAN ELAHI won the title of Taishan Young Scholar from Shandong province of China based on academic and research achievements.

Zibo City Social Science title

1. Ehsan Elahi (1/3); Understanding cognitive and socio-psychological factors determining farmers’ intentions to use improved grassland: Implications of land use policy for sustainable pasture production, 在淄博市第三十五次社会科学优秀成果等级评定中被评为一等成果,特发此证,  其他, 2022. 10. 17. (Ehsan Elahi; Hongxia Zhang; Xing Lirong) (科研奖励)

Outstanding Foreign Expert (优秀外国专家)

1. 于 2024.1.1. Ehsan Elahi教授入选山东省教育系统杰出外籍专家. Shandong Education Association for International Exchange (SDEAIE)山东省教育国际交流协会.

2. 外国专家证书, 针对气候变化条件下淄博市农业经济可持续发展的现状及存在的问题,提出了当前淄博市农业经济高质量、可持续发展的路径和对策,极大的推动了淄博市农业经济的可持续、高质量发展。于2023920日获得山东省淄博市经济社会科学发展突出贡献奖,由淄博市人才节组委会颁布外国专家证书. 由淄博市人才节组委会颁布外国专家证书.


主要社会影响: EHSAN ELAHI is an Associate Editor of the Green and Low-Carbon Economy Journal and PLOS One Journal. Moreover, he is an editorial member of several journals such as, the Energy Information and Communications Journal, and the Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences. He is working as a Guest Associate Editor of Sustainability. Moreover, EHSAN ELAHI is working as a topic editor of several journals such as Land, Geomatics, Remote Sensing, Urban Science, and Water.




主要教授课程:International Trade, Econometrics, International Economics; World Economics.